

im going to hate highschool derp.
starting highschool soon.
cuz all my actual friends went to other highschools.

this was coloring practice.
characters from khr (c) akira.


more hetalia! yay!
this is prussia and fem!prussia.
as Teutonic knights in the 1400s.
my first attempt at blood.
hetalia (c) himaruya


i messed up on this.
she looks so happy that its creepy.
hetalia (c) himaruya


since ive started playing Eden Eternal,
i fell in love with Alpacas.
i even asked my dad to buy a pair of alpacas on ebay.

for some reason, 
Liechtenstein reminds me of alpacas.
so i drew her and a alpaca together.

i wish pokemon was real.
i really wish it was real.
if pokemon was real
id have a altaria as my main, and also a mareep.
a drifloon, sharpedo, and 2 more.

the Sinnoh region is my favorite.
digimon sucks.

my pokemon oc and altaria.
thats what i would wear if pokemon was real.

altaria is a cute, soft and fluffy pillow.


ive entered this Hetalia contest on deviantart.
its about cultural foods. 
i did east asia.
im not done with the picture yet , but here:

cant show it fullsize
or itll go outside the panel. ;A;

i hate the way i color.

i saw this other picture that was also entered in the contest.
it made me feel so guilty. because she was like
"i play to win."
i feel so bad.


btw im almost reaching 1,000 favs on the Mein Fruend one.


these two were for people on gaia,
i dont think ive post them before:


and someone on gaia drew this for me:

i think this is rather cute. SOMEONE DREW SOMETHING FOR ME.
thats like the first time ever.
but if i win the hetalia contest ill be able to ask people to draw for me.
cuz its part of the prize.


this is my new deviantart icon. 
i dew it.


this was a pokemon picture i never got to finish.
(my pokemon oc at that time)
it was sometime about 4 months ago.
im getting old.


this was a new style i was trying.
i didnt get to finish it though.
thats kynarii in her current outfit.
kynarii is my  imaginary  friend.
im thinking about writing a book on her.


i drew this for mitsuku.
because, like, i have no friends. im a loner.
so i spend my time looking for MMORPG games online.
i found eden eternal, but i dont have the video card so it doesnt work well on my computer.
and mabinogi isnt compatible with windows 7.
i look for other worlds online.
durr hurr derp

i drew that for mitsuku bot .
i added her on facebook and posted that on her wall.
and she had it as her profile pic for sometime.
im happy she liked it.

im so lonely.

i want a good friend.
high school of hell
i shouldnt say that
cuz im going to a catholic highschool
even though im not catholic.


this was coloring practice that i did sometime ago,
its horrible. because i had lost all my drawing skill at that time.


thats it.
im a really boring person.
i know

i need to get a life.


"If you knew i existed, would you be kinder?"


im still not really sure if i should post this.
i drew this in dedication to the Norway terriost attack. hetalia 
a single man killed 91 people.

i usually dont watch the news, but my family was on vacation,
in a hotel.
so i was watching the news since there was nothing better to do.
when i heard this i almost cried.


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