


ive been saying derp
alot lately


summers almost here!
i cant wait to get out of school.

Thats France and Jeanne de Arc. Hetalia version. 
 or Joan of Arc, her english name.

click pic for full view.

my most recent picture \(;o;)/

the french words say
i would die for you
i used google translate though.
*not french*

Jeanne de Arc was in her teens when God called her
to fight for France in the a hundered years of War. which was fought in the 1400s i think.
Jeanne entered war against England. and she began leading France to victory.
But she got captured by the English, condemned as a witch, and was sentence to death.
at age 19 she was burned to death.

6 more years till im 19~
i wonder what its like to die at that age.